How to whitelist my emails

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Many email services these days have fantastic systems to block all of that dastardly junk email that’s always clogging up your inbox.

Sadly, these systems are so good that they sometimes block emails you actually want.

To make sure that you get my emails, here’s what you need to do:

Add my email address,, to your list of contacts or your list of “safe senders”.

You only need to do this once.

What is a whitelist?

A whitelist is a list of email addresses that you’re happy to receive email from, whether that’s your bank, your Aunty Jo, or me.

By adding an email address to your whitelist, it ensures that you don’t miss out on anything important.

How do I add you to my whitelist?

Every email program does it in a slightly different way, but here’s instructions for some of the most common programs:


To whitelist an email address in Gmail, simply drag an email from that address, from your “Promotions” folder across to your “Primary” tab.

When the “Do this for all future messages from” message appears, click “Yes”.

Whitelist emails in Gmail

Apple Mail

Select the “From” or “Reply-To” address in any email and choose either “Add to Contacts” or “Add to VIPs”.


Click on the “Click here to download pictures…” message and select “Add Sender to Safe Senders List”.

Below the “Parts of this message have been blocked for your safety” message, click on “I trust”.

Yahoo Mail

Click on the ‘+’ symbol at the end of the “From:” name in any email and select “Add to contacts” and “Save”.

Other email programs

If your particular email program is not listed here, try adding to your list of contacts, or just send me an email to say hello.

Or check out these helpful instructions:

If you need any help with whitelisting my emails, please send an email to

Have an awesome day!

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