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Welcome to my world

Nicola smiling and wearing a green scarf.

Hi! I’m Nicola, and I’m thrilled that you’re here.

I’ve always been spiritually inclined, although I’ve wavered back and forth over the years, frustrated by the vagueness of so many approaches, looking for concrete, effective and efficient practices.

I’ve had lots of “stuff” to work through in this lifetime, and I’ve tried a myriad of modalities along the way, trying to find the things that work for me. I believe that there’s no one “right” way, and that instead we each need to figure out what works for us, and do that, regardless of what anyone else says we “should” be doing.

My biggest challenge this time around is learning to trust my inner guidance and actually follow it, and I’m slowly getting better at it.

Thanks for joining me as I explore the world of spirituality, and figure out how to create a unique, deeply meaningful path through the noise and craziness of modern life.

I’ll be sharing lots of quick tips, information, resources and practical steps you can take, and sending you weekly emails with blog posts, checklists, guides and more, so keep an eye on your inbox.

If you want to know more about me, please visit my About page.

Or just head to my Home page and start at the very beginning.

And I’d love it if you would jump on over to Minds and follow me or you can subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I’d also love to hear more about you, and what the biggest obstacle is for you right now when it comes to deliberately shaping your future.